How to Prepare for a Unity Sand Ceremony

One of the most popular rituals that happen in a wedding ceremony is a unity sand ceremony, a unity sand ceremony is a sign of the bride and groom showing their unity together into their new life and if their parents are involved it is a sign of togetherness for the two families and their unity. A sand unity ceremony is preferable for an outdoor wedding since it is convenient to the natural environment unlike candle lighting where it blows off soon after lighting due to the wind, also unity sand is convenient in preserving memories since it can be displayed at home. Sand unity ceremony is preferred for outdoor weddings since it is less stressful for a windy day unlike unity sand.

Steps involved in a unity sand are as follows. At first the master of ceremony speaks a few things about the importance of the sand unity ceremony before handing the bride and groom relevant colored sand, the bride pours the first layer of sand into the jar forming the bottom layer at the previously empty vase. If the unity sand ceremony involves other parties such as the parents of the bride and groom they take a turn each one of them with a different color of sand. After each one of them has poured a layer of sand they pour the sand together into the jar to form a mixed layer of colors that represents the unity of the family. Some couples may prefer to reserve their individual sand so as to pour it at the last once the other individuals pour their sand together thus they for the mixed color layer on the top of the jar.

In preparation to a unity sand ceremony there are a number of items you will need. The different color of sand is determined by the number of people who will take part in the unity sand. The size of vase that you require to pour in the sand will determine the amount of sand you need since too much space should not be left unfilled. Preferably a pound of sand of different color is good enough for the sand unity ceremony with as many different colors as the participants. There should be pouring tubes for each person; the tube should have a narrow top to ensure it pours cleanly and most essentially when pouring together into the common vase. The empty jar or vase that will be poured in the unity sand should be elegant and big enough to allow enough space to pour in the sand. A table is required for the ceremony and also some cotton balls to fill the empty space that may be left out after pouring in the unity sand and also to ensure that transporting the jar is easy, lastly a tape should be necessary to seal the top of the vase.

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